Oops, I forgot that I should be politically correct and should refer to the kind gentlemen known as bouncers by their proper title - Nightclub Doormen.
You see, these gentlemen will soon be part of the establishment, all trained up and certificated you see. That makes them 'authority figures' to be rewarded by our good and caring Fuhrer, sorry - Government, authorising them to impose fines on us if we're naughty boys and girls.
Even better, they will be able to access the police criminal records database to see if you have been naughty before, that way they can pick on you, sorry I mean keep an eye on you to make sure you don't get a chance to enjoy your night out, oops again - I mean to make sure you don't start any trouble.
As soon as they get a chance to provoke you, naughty me - I meant to say that as soon as you cause any trouble they will then issue you with a fine, a bit like a parking ticket and just as difficult to appeal if unjustified.
Ken Frost has blogged on this one at http://nannyknowsbest.blogspot.com/2009/07/nannys-special-police-force-bouncers.html
What Ken hasn't mentioned is these powers can be granted by any police chief constable to any person or organisation deemed suitable, they can then issue fixed penalty notices for many offences such as graffiti, flyposting, dog fouling, littering and public disorder:-
The powers are granted by chief constables under the Police Reform Act 2001 to organisations that contribute towards community safety. They must undergo extensive vetting and training and wear a badge and uniform approved by the chief constable.There were 945 accredited individuals in 2005 but by last year the figure had risen to 1,406.
Cretinous Fuckwittery!
When you allow mentally ill people to set the rules for everyone else, you
end up living in an insane asylum!
www.nannyknowsbest.com is brought to y...
2 weeks ago
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