Sunday, 23 August 2009

There is still such beauty in this world

For all the ranting there is to do about all the bad things our politicians, the bankers and the rest of the elite do to us, I was so pleased to be reminded that there is still such beauty and delight in this world.

Sometimes it is good to shut out the horrors for a while and enjoy the delights of an artist that brings a lump to my throat and utter wonder to my mind. Please look at the work of Kseniya Simonova, a young Ukrainian artist (go to youtube and search for xensand).

Friday, 21 August 2009

Britain is Dying

As I walk about the small town in the South Wales valleys that I now call home, I sometimes reflect on how vibrant and alive this place once was. I am not going back too far with my memories, but today the town is dying.
When I first came here to Blaenavon there was a butcher, a baker, a shop that sold all manner of things including the candlesticks, a number of florists, newsagents, hairdressers, greengrocers selling fresh fruit & veg, a plethora of book shops, cafe's ranging from a greasy Joes to a bohemian meeting place. There was manned Police Station, a Fire Station, 3 petrol stations, 20 public houses, 2 Post Offices, a swimming and sports complex and a population of around 6,500 who had painfully recovered economically from the closure of the mining industry a decade earlier.
In its day it was much larger, with a peak in population in 1921 of 12,500 supporting the string of mines that were present on both sides of the valley, the finest steel works in Britain and an Iron works that today stands in ruins and is supported by Heritage funds as a museum. The largest of the mines, Big Pit, still remains, although unproductive as it is now open to the public as a living museum.
Today however, after 12 years of Labour interference and mis-management in the Economy and the daily lives of everyone who lives here, the town is dying. The Butcher sold up, the baker has gone, the shop that sells everything now sells very little, the book shops are all gone, so are the cafes. The Police station is closed after an experiment to only have it open 2 hours a day, the Fire Station is part time, only 1 petrol station remains, 11 of the 20 pubs are gone, 1 of the post offices has been up for sale for over a year, the Swimming pool originally built with miners funds has been torn down, sold to developers (who intend to build a new police station?) and an increasingly confused population wondering where their next job and income is going to come from.
Pushing them further are the regulations, the interference in their lives, the touring DVLA vans with the ANPR camera, the host of newly installed CCTV poles, the mass of double yellow lines, the cut back in bus services, seeing Heritage grants diverted elsewhere, seeing their public buildings sold to developers, lack of toleration for any minor infraction of the rules, a lack of police presence.
The town itself has for many years been used as a training ground by the utilities companies, with more test holes dug and road patches laid here than anywhere else I have ever seen. Ex miners and their families had retrained as carpenters, electricians, builders, window fitters as they followed government advice and gained work from the rise of the social housing trusts that sprang up in surrounding towns and villages, that work is now dry as the funds are no longer flowing. The majority of those who still work are in public sector jobs or with companies that support the public sector.
That the people of this town have a work ethic goes without saying, given the opportunities they are hard working, given the opportunities they are adventurous as they have proven in rebuilding their lives after the mine closures, but yet again the rug is being pulled from beneath them by the very politicians who say they support them. It is soul destroying to see a town where nearly 40% of the population is on benefits of one kind or another sinking slowly because the disposable incomes have gone, and over the past 10 years the entire local economy has become dependent on government work or companies that provide services to local government or quangos, even then there is only enough to survive the daily payouts.
This situation is not unique to the one place where I live, it is repeated in town after town right across the UK, consequently to look from the bottom up we can see this country dying on its feet. That vital element in the recovery of any economy, the sustainable element, disposable income, has either gone or is diminished to such a level that everything begins to grind to a halt.
The Libertarian Party sees the recovery in a very different light to the other political parties. We do not see that bailing out banks and factories with taxpayer funds is either desirable or sustainable, nor is the latest Conservative idea of community work for benefits (pure communitarian not conservative). We do not believe that central and local government should be the only employers, further increasing the burden on taxpayers to sustain this huge monolithic spending machine.
People here do not want more state involvement, they do not want more debt through bank loans to survive, and the few businesses that are left want to be able to survive and grow on profits, not bank loans, and to do this they need customers.
Libertarians want to see people who are working keep their earnings, not working on half pay, giving them the disposable income to spend in the Butchers, the bakers, the candlestick shop, the pubs and all the other shops in the area. We know that this will mean replacement and replenishment, providing orders and growth to the factories and support businesses, who in turn will need to order and buy more raw materials. This is how the local, and in turn the national economy will recover.
In order to do that, we have proposed along with major reforms in monetary and fiscal policy, a range of far reaching manifesto items not least of which is the initial reduction and then elimination of income tax, not fiddling around the edges of tax policy, but scrapping it altogether. Putting money back into the powerhouse of any economic strategy, purchasing power.
In order that businesses can rise to this challenge, and survive afterwards we also propose scrapping many of the regulatory controls that currently restrict both the opening of new business and the sustainability of SME's. A huge reduction in Corporation Tax, setting it at a 10% flat rate and including a commitment to investigate the possibility of a 5 year exemption from Corporation Tax for start-ups (not deferment, an exemption).
We know that 10 factories paying the headline rate of corporation tax of 28% will not sustain the economy of this area, but 50 factories paying 10% will. Growth will be self sustaining as more people enter the workplace to support that growth, there will be more disposable income being spent, spurring even more factories and business to support and service that spending. The best bit however is that it can be done without reliance on bank lending, as it will be real money flowing up the chain, real profits creating that growth.
When growth is based on turnover in this way, taxation receipts will actually rise through volume, rather than decrease as it is at present by taking an ever bigger percentage of a diminishing pie, allowing everyone to gain and remove the need for government to borrow.

The current level of spending by Government cannot continue, and the Conservative and LibDems are already to committed to either maintain or increase spending in many areas. This is unsustainable.

Only today the PSBR (Public Sector Borrowing Requirement) has been released for July. In one month alone government has overspent and had to borrow the unsightly sum of £8.016 billion.

That means the government was over-spending by more than £258 million per day last month, which is living beyond our collective means by more than £10 million an hour, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. (H/T Guido) This means that the productive parts of our economy can no longer support such a huge government, the overspending and the restrictive regulations. (To give an example of how desperate these regulations have become, read this, punishment for attempting self help)
I look forward to the day when with the help of the Libertarian Party this small town that I live in can enjoy once again the vibrancy that it once knew, where it and its inhabitants can again be proud and self sustaining and above all self regulating as we diminish the power of the state to interfere and control.

Only scientist could find nothing and claim it as a major breakthrough

According to Einstein's general relativity, gravitational waves should have been emitted during inflation, when the universe expanded exponentially moments after the big bang. "[Gravitational waves] can tell us how the laws of physics operated at that time," says Vuk Mandic of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. "This is very valuable because we cannot reproduce these high-energy conditions in the lab."

OK, so they are looking for something they cannot reproduce and presumably don't understand, by the sound of it it is something they have never proven to exist.

The latest measurement, made jointly by the US-based Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and VIRGO, its European counterpart, was sensitive to gravitational waves at frequencies around 100 hertz. But they found nothing.

From which, I understand - they didn't find anything, no evidence, no proof, nothing detected!

"This is a milestone," says Mandic, who is a principal investigator with the LIGO and VIRGO collaboration. "It's one indication that gravitational wave cosmology is coming of age."

Huh? You didn't find anything! Zilch, Zero, Nothing! How can this be a milestone?

Harald Pfeiffer of the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics in Toronto, agrees. "It's very gratifying to see the work of the past 10 years paying off," he says.

WTF? You spend 10 years looking, fail to find anything but it's very gratifying - man, you ARE easily pleased!

The hope is that the detectors will eventually find gravitational waves themselves.

Sounds like a really good, scientifically sound plan ....

LIGO probably has the edge over the other detectors. Last month the experiment entered a new, enhanced phase by doubling its sensitivity. Advanced LIGO, which commences in 2014, will be a tenfold improvement.

Tenfold huh, so ten times Zilch is ....... Zilch!

How many millions is this stuff costing? Only scientists could spend 10 years looking for something, fail completely yet announce the failure as a milestone, If I did that I reckon I'd be sacked!

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Children should go to school where they are safe .... Yeh right!

Messers Badman and Balls wish all home educated children to go to school or otherwise be seen (and left alone with) 'professionals' to ensure they are protected from those nasty parents who may abuse them. Schools are places of safety where the teachers will deal with any signs of abuse - Unless it is the teacher doing the abusing of course!

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Justice - if you can afford it!

I always believed that if the state brought false charges against me and I was found to be innocent in a court of law then I had a right to be reimbursed the costs of defending myself.

Now, it seems, the state is bringing so many false charges that it cannot afford to properly reimburse the innocent and will be limiting the rates they are prepared to pay. It can easily cost £4,000 or more to defend yourself against a simple false charge of speeding, can you afford to pay most of that out of your own pocket EVEN IF YOU WIN?

The result is likely to be that most of us will roll over and pay the fixed penalty fine even when innocent - simply because we cannot afford to prove our innocence!

This reminds of the film 'Brazil' where the accused had to pay for their own investigation unless they admitted their guilt, how far off are we now?

Ministry of justice

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Plastic policeman tells boy off for climbing tree!!

What has this country become?

A 9 year old German boy came over to the UK to visit his cousins, being a nice day they went to play in the park and as kids have done since time imemorial they climbed trees and I dare say they may have been loudly having fun.

A local busybody phoned the police to complain that the boys were being rude and anti-social. Now I would have expected the police to discretely look in and, unless there was a genuine problem, to just walk away leaving the boys to play.

Instead, a PCSO told them to play further away from the houses and issued them with a 'Stop and Account' form, leaving the kids frightened that they were in serious trouble.

When did young kids playing innocently in the park and climbing trees become a crime? I didn't notice that one get on the statute books. These PCSOs behave like jumped up little Hitlers, stories abound of them overstepping the mark, from insisting on taking a baby's temperature, to climbing in through open windows to warn householders of the risk of burglary. How dare these people think we are second class to them.

Unless and until somebody commits a crime, keep your bloody nose out of my business and piss off back to the safety of the police station where you won't have to deal with those nasty big kiddies who dare to allow their sounds of play to be heard above the tweeting of birds and the wailing of sirens!


How long before the UK follows this lead, bloody cheek!

Watch the video, all is explained!

Personally, I think I want out........

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Communism or Fascism, does it make a difference?

I've written here in the past likening the activities of the British Government to those of the Nazis just before the 2nd world war, many other blogs have likened it to the soviet union during the communist era.

Communism / Fascism, does it really matter what we call it? The effect on the population was pretty much the same - oppression, fear, loss of liberty, loss of personal choice, intrusion of the state, brainwashing of the population through the schools and youth organisations, running the country for the benefit of the elite instead of the people, having to ask permission or seek licence to do what you previously could freely choose, suppression of dissent.

I read today an article that made me afraid, very afraid. The signs have been there for a long time - we are becoming a police state, it is happening and it is happening FAST.

If I could find somewhere better to go I would have no hesitation in leaving this country, the place I was born and grew up, the place I was once proud to call home.

Unfortunately this seems to be a global movement, people from all across the world are reporting the same things happening in their country. We must ALL push back against this, make it clear to our politicians that it is NOT acceptable, vote for whoever genuinely promises to give us back our freedom, break the hold of the big 3 parties until they see what is happening and once more choose to represent US, the people, instead of seeking to gain greater and greater power for themselves with the money and privilige that goes along with it.

Thank you to DK for posting the article that pointed me to Cory Doctorow's

Legalised Kidnapping

I have written previously about children being taken from their parents, seemingly in order to meet adoption targets.

Yet another case is that of 24 year old Rachel who was deemed 'too stupid' to care for her daughter. There has never been any suggestion that she would harm her, just that she has been deemed 'too stupid' to provide proper care.

Adding to the outrage, she was not even allowed to instruct her own solicitor to fight her case! Because she was 'too stupid' the court appointed official solicitor was brought in to represent her. Unsurprisingly, it was deemed that it was in her best interest to agree to the adoption (regardless of how much she opposed it), so the solicitor agreed on her behalf - end of court case!

Her only hope now is the European Court of Human Rights, if the case can be heard before adoption proceeedings are completed, otherwise she may never again see her daughter as a child.

These atrocities are heard time after time after time, what sort of country do we live in?

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Anyone still think we don't live in a police state?

The British government is to put the more irresponsible families under CCTV supervision in their homes – just to ensure their children attend school, go to bed on time and eat proper meals. Private security guards will also be sent round to carry out home checks, while parents will be given help to combat drug and alcohol addiction, Children’s Secretary Ed Balls says.

I thought this was a spoof at first but it seems not:-